As the world starts to open up again, travelers are beginning to plan their trips once more. However, post COVID 19 travel looks different than before and there are certain precautions that must be taken in order to stay safe. In this blog post, we will provide you with tips on how to travel post COVID 19 and ensure your safety during your journey.


Get Tested Prior To Traveling

Testing can provide extra assurance that you are free of the virus and that you are not contributing to its spread. Talk to your healthcare provider about what kind of test is right for you. The most common type of test is a nasal swab, which looks for active COVID-19 infections. It is important to note that false negatives can occur, so it is important to take necessary precautions regardless of your test results.

If possible, it is also a good idea to schedule your test at least two weeks before you plan on traveling, so you have time to quarantine if needed and monitor for any symptoms. Remember to bring proof of a negative test result with you when you travel, as some locations may require it. Following these steps can help keep you and others safe during your travels.

Wear A Mask At All Times

This means wearing a cloth or disposable face mask whenever you are around other people, including inside shops, restaurants, and airports.

A face mask helps protect you and those around you from contracting the virus by blocking droplets that may carry the virus. It also reminds you to not touch your face, which is another way the virus can be transmitted. The CDC recommends wearing masks that are at least two layers of breathable fabric, fit snugly against the face, cover both the nose and mouth, and be secured with ties or ear loops.

Be sure to stay up-to-date on the local regulations regarding face masks. Some states and cities may have mandatory mask laws in place, so it’s important to check before traveling to a new location.

When using your face mask, make sure to handle it properly. Wash your hands before putting on the mask and after taking it off. Avoid touching the front of the mask and wash the mask regularly. Replace the mask if it becomes wet or soiled.

By wearing a face mask at all times, you are helping to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.


Avoid Crowded Places

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, it is important to be extra cautious when traveling and avoid crowded places as much as possible. This includes places such as airports, shopping malls, buses, and any other locations with large numbers of people in close proximity. If you need to go to any of these places, make sure to wear a face mask and maintain social distancing wherever possible. Consider planning your route beforehand to reduce the amount of time spent in crowded areas.

Be aware of the local regulations and restrictions at your destination, too. For example, some countries may still have implemented lockdowns or other measures to limit large gatherings. Check the news regularly before traveling and be prepared to adjust your plans accordingly.

Additionally, if you can, try to limit activities that involve close contact with other people such as using public transportation or visiting attractions that involve long lines. Consider taking an alternate mode of transport such as a taxi or renting a car, or find out if there are any private tours available for places you want to visit.

Ultimately, limiting your exposure to crowded places is an important step to staying safe while traveling. Make sure to stay vigilant and follow the local guidelines and regulations to keep yourself and those around you safe.

Wash Your Hands Often

When traveling post COVID-19, it is essential to make sure you are washing your hands often. When you arrive at your destination, wash your hands before you start exploring. It is also a good idea to carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you so you can clean your hands before you enter any buildings or restaurants.

Make sure to also wash your hands after touching surfaces that could have been contaminated by someone else, such as door handles, ATM machines, and public restrooms. When using public restrooms, avoid touching your face before washing your hands.

Washing your hands with soap and water is the most effective way to get rid of germs, so if possible, use this over hand sanitizer. If you don’t have access to soap and water, make sure to use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Don’t forget to keep your nails short and clean during your travels. Bacteria and germs can easily hide under long nails, so it’s important to keep them short and clean for maximum hygiene.

By following these simple tips and making sure to wash your hands often, you can help keep yourself safe when traveling post COVID-19.

Disinfect Surfaces

When it comes to staying safe while traveling, disinfecting surfaces should be at the top of your list. It is important to regularly clean and sanitize surfaces to help protect yourself and others from illness.

To start, make sure that you always bring a small bottle of disinfectant with you when you travel. This will allow you to clean any surface before you come into contact with it. You can use this on hotel room door handles, public bathroom surfaces, and anywhere else you may come into contact with.

If you are traveling by car, it is also important to make sure that you keep the vehicle clean. Make sure to clean all the touch points, such as the steering wheel, shifter, and radio buttons. Bring along some wipes so that you can wipe down surfaces that you or other passengers may come in contact with.

When you are out and about, avoid touching common surfaces as much as possible. If you do need to touch something, make sure to use hand sanitizer afterwards.

Overall, staying safe while traveling post COVID-19 means making sure that you take the time to clean and disinfect any surfaces that you may come in contact with. This is an important part of keeping yourself and others safe from illnesses during your travels.