Welcome to part 2 of the national days in Canada blog! We wanted to split this piece into 2 sections to really give you an explanation for the wacky Canada National Days we came across! This blog discusses some incredibly unique national days you could experience on your working holiday visa in Canada or even just your long weekend! Check out July through December below!

National Avocado Day (July 31st)


Avocado toast? Guacamole? Chocolate avocado mousse? YES, please! Natioanl avocado day is an excuse for all avocado lovers to endulge in all things avocado! What could be fun though is to throw a little get together with some friends and have everyone bring a dish that contains avocado! What a fun way to meet people and enjoy this delicious day!

National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbour’s Porch Day (August 8th)


Yeah…you read that right. Don’t freak out when you wake up on August 8th and find a zuccini on your front porch (or even door mat if you live in an apartment). It’s just another goofy Canadian National Day! If you aprtake in this silly event, consider leaving a nice recipe card along with the zucchini for some bread or muffinfs?

National Play-Doh Day (September 16th)

Play-Doh Day

Whetehr you are 7 or 47, there’s nothing like getting a little messy and using those crative muscles in your brain to make something out of Play-Doh! Hit the store and gather up some supplies to use those hands to make some icecream by yourself or with the kiddos in your life! This is a great way to take a break from your work abraod trip and have a little quiet time to yourself!

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day (October 21st)

Cheesecake Day (

A fantastic way for people on a work abroad trip or a canadian working holiday to make some new friends is to get some pumpkin cheesecake from the local bakery on October 21st! It’s a lovely way to find people who enjoy that pumpkin pie flavor and maybe even a pumpkin spice latte…go all out!

National Play Monopoly Day (November 19th)


We know…monopoly is not everyone’s cup of tea…but on November 19th, that’s irrelevant. You have to play. So father up some friends, grab some win (or lemonade) and enjoy a game night with some tunes and friendly faces! If you hate it that much, you can always just be the banker!


National Pumpkin Pie Day (December 25th)


If this is your first Christmas on a working holiday visa in Canada, you may not be aware that it’s also national pumpkin pie day! You just cannot beat the smell of a pie cooking in oven and on Christmas, it’s got to be pumpkin! If “pie” just isn’t your thing, you can probably get away with a pumpkin cheesecake…maybe…ask the locals!


There’s nothing more fun than finding out that there’s something fun and quirky going on, especially if you’re having a rough day or it’s a work day…or a Monday, we all hate Mondays. Canada has some unique and intrguing National Days that are guaranteed to get you through the rough patches. If you want to experience all of them though, you’ll have to look into how to get a working holiday visa for Canada so you can spend up to 2 years in the beautiful country!