If you’re considering relocating to New Zealand, you’ve made a great decision! The Land of the Long White Cloud is an incredible place to live and raise a family. But before you commit to this exciting move, it’s important to know some of the key facts and figures that make New Zealand the unique and diverse place it is. Here are 10 facts you should know about New Zealand before you make your move:


Don’t Expect A Lot Of People

New Zealand is a relatively small nation with a population of only 4.9 million people. It may be small, but it’s a country rich with stunning landscapes, a diverse range of cultural experiences and wonderful people. The cities are relatively compact, but still offer plenty to do for visitors or people moving to New Zealand. Locals are very welcoming and always willing to lend a hand.

One of the greatest pleasures of moving to New Zealand is that it can feel quite isolated at times – perfect for those looking for a change of pace from the busy, buzzing city life, for example. As a visitor, you get a chance to relax, explore and unwind. For some that means “lonely”, for others it’s wonderfully “people free”.


It’s a Great Place To Live And Work


Despite its small population, New Zealand is the 11th-largest economy in the world, making it a great place to live and work. New Zealand’s economic prospects are constantly expanding and improving, thanks to its cutting-edge technology and supporting government. As an added bonus, its fantastic quality of life ensures that you won’t need much downtime from work, as you’ll have ample opportunity to explore and enjoy the great outdoors.


New Zealand Has 3 Official Languages and… Special Slang?

The three official languages include English, Māori, and New Zealand Sign Language. If you’re already an English speaker, you won’t necessarily need to learn a new language to live in New Zealand. However, knowing some of their unique Kiwi lingo might be helpful (because they have a few strange words and phrases flying around). For example, Ii you’re just popping to the ‘dairy’ then you’re heading to the local shop (it doesn’t just relate to cheese and milk!).

The New Zealand accent can also be pretty confusing for newcomers. A Kiwi can sound Australian, South African and American in the space of five words. But give it some time, eventually, you will get the hang of it. And who knows, maybe you’ll find your accent changing too the longer you stay there!


Nature's View


Wellington – New Zealand’s Capital City


Wellington is often referred to as the “coolest little capital in the world”, and for good reason! With its vibrant arts scene, picturesque harbor and location in the rugged landscape of the country’s south island, there is plenty to love about Wellington.

Whether you’re out enjoying the beautiful seaside views or admiring the works of art on display at the various galleries and museums, you’re sure to have a good time. The Te Papa Museum is a great spot to explore, while a number of local theatres offer regular performances, making this city perfect for the cultural explorer. Plus, with its abundance of great bars, restaurants, cafes, and other attractions, there’s never a shortage of things to do and see. Whether you’re visiting for the weekend or making Wellington your new home, you can rest assured that this lively and exciting city won’t leave you wanting.


Auckland – New Zealand’s Cultural Hub


The most populous city is  Auckland, the cultural hub of the country, with one-third of the population living there. Here, a mélange of diverse cultures is brought together to form a truly special and unique experience that truly encompasses the spirit of New Zealand.

With its diverse ethnic and religious population, there are many cultural events taking place throughout the year that are celebrated with zeal by the people of Auckland. Whether it be the exciting fireworks of Diwali, the singing of hymns at Easter, or the solemn reverence of ANZAC day, Auckland is alive and vibrating with life during these festivals and gatherings. There is always something for everyone in the cultural mecca of Auckland.

From ancient Polynesian histories to exciting Maori myths, one can explore the cultural tapestry that is so special to the region. Visitors to the area will be welcomed with open arms and shown a rich cultural history that has been treasured for generations. Indeed, Auckland is the cultural hub of the nation, where all walks of life come together to appreciate and share the rich culture that has made this part of the world such a popular destination for locals and travelers alike.



New Zealand is located in the Southern Hemisphere, with its closest neighbours being Australia, Fiji, and New Caledonia.


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The Landscape


New Zealand’s scenery ranges from golden beaches to snow-capped mountains and lush rainforests.  The country is spectacular from end to end, and about one-third of it is made up of protected national parks. That means it won’t be turning into hotels and car parks any time soon. If you like freakishly colourful hot mud pools, check out Wai-O-Tapu on the North Island, while the South Island is home to the world-famous Milford Sound fjord. Icy mountains, forests, vast lakes and white beaches; New Zealand’s got the lot.


New Zealand Has Two Main Islands


The North Island and South Island, with a number of smaller islands and a handful of large islands including the subantarctic islands. The two islands of New Zealand are surrounded by some of the wildest seas in the world, which can make things rather exciting. A day might start out hot and sunny and by midday become a miserable blast of cold wind and rain, all thanks to the crazy Pacific Ocean. If you’re off exploring the wop wops (another one of their slang terms meaning ‘the middle of nowhere’), be sure to bring an umbrella.


new zealand: what to know before moving

Maori Culture


Maori culture is an integral part of life in New Zealand, and many of the traditional customs are still practiced today. There is a strong emphasis on respect for their environment and elders, as well as emphasizing the collective effort within their community. Their reverence for nature is evident in the many customary ceremonies held. They also have their own distinct art style known as Toi Maori, which is commonly seen in their unique carvings, jewelry, weaving, and clothing. This intricate art form has been practiced by generations of Maori to keep their traditions alive and their culture preserved.


Welcome to the ‘Shaky Isles’


New Zealand is a hotbed of tectonic activity. The dramatically-named Pacific Ring of Fire is home to the majority of Earth’s volcanoes and earthquakes, and New Zealand sits right on top of it. This means the Kiwis experience around 14,000 quakes every year, although only about 100-150 of them can be felt by normal humans. It’s no wonder the country is known as the Shaky Isles. Volcanoes are less of a regular problem, but when they happen, they really happen. The world’s biggest volcanic eruption of the past 5,000 yearstook place in New Zealand, leaving a huge crater that filled with water and became the beautiful Lake Taupō. One of the volcanoes on the South Island (now dormant) is called Mount Horrible. Never has there been a more appropriate name for a volcano.


We hope you found this list helpful. Whether you’re already living in New Zealand or you’re considering a move, there’s something here for everyone. New Zealand is a diverse and beautiful place to live, and with its laidback atmosphere and strong economy, you won’t regret relocating there!