UK tier 1 exceptional talent

UK tier 1 exceptional talent
Tier 1 exceptional talent visa are visas given to individuals who are exceptionally talented in fields of academics, engineering, fashion, art and other fields of importance where the individual has shown great works that has created a significant impact on his career, and which can bring to the UK the same impact of creativity that holds good grounds of importance.
This visa allows such individuals to live and work in the UK for up to 5 years and 4 months. After this time they can apply to settle, and the visa also gives flexibility to the applicant to work for any employer or create his own business.
Need to win an eligible award to apply.
Have to apply for an endorsement that proves that you are a prominent leader or a potential leader in your field.
If you need further clarification of endorsement and all that stuff for your application ,then you can contact
our team members to have a full picture of everything which seems confusing.
Documents needed.
A valid passport which contains the details of your personal information.
Fees required
It costs £623 pounds for the government to give an approval of your application.
If you’re applying based on an endorsement, you’ll pay the £623 in two parts:
£456 when you apply for the endorsement
£167 when you apply for the visa itself.
If you want to take your spouse and children with yourself then they each have to pay £623 to get approved by the government.
our fee Alliance visas processing fee– £2500
Parents and children.
Your partner and children can join you in your stay as long they are eligible for this visa.
You must be able to prove that either:
you’re in a civil partnership or marriage that’s recognized in the UK
you’ve been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years when you apply.
Must be less than 16.
Must be dependent on you
Must not be married.
Extending your visa
You can extend your visa if:
You have applied your visa based on the endorsement, and the organization which has endorsed
you hasn’t withdrawn it’s approval.
You have applied your visa based on the eligible award you have won, and that eligible award hasn’t been withdrawn.
You can apply to extend your visa for up to 5 years at a time. You can renew your visa as many times as you like, as long as you still meet the eligibility requirements given above.
It costs the same amount to extend your visa for the government to give his approval. And the same amount for your partner and your children if they want to stay with you.
Switch to this visa
You are eligible to switch to this visa if you are already in the UK on a different type of visa.
If you can prove that you have won an eligible award.
If you can prove to the endorsement that you are a capable leader in the required field of expertise.
About Alliance Visas
Welcome to Alliance Visas. We are a registered migration and visa services firm. We are not the official body or affiliated with the government.
At Alliance Visas we do not share your details with any third party. We provide a no obligation assessment without any cost to all applicants, please fill our assessment to find out your eligibility for a visa.