
Horticultural Research Organization


Rate of Pay

$14.00 per hour


Full time, 40 hours per week


Wenatchee, Washington, D.C

Date of Joining

September 2023


Up to 12 months


This organization conducts research to support the deciduous tree fruit industry of Washington State. The main research focus is on crop load management, heat stress protection, rootstock evaluation, irrigation strategies, food safety, management of physiological disorders and field testing of new agricultural technologies. 

Exchange Visitors will be required to conduct experimental tests and trials including the collection and recording of data and fruit samples; perform fruit quality analysis; prepare reagents, solutions, cultures; and operate a variety of technical equipment and instruments.

Housing & Expenses

The host will typically provide you with shared housing with other employees for a monthly rent cost of $400-$600 including utilities.

Alliance Visas will require a fee of £550.