Whilst New Zealands’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern has said it “one of New Zealand’s darkest days” and called the shootings a terrorist attacks, Australian senator blamed the shooting in immigration. At least 50 people were killed in Christchurch and another 20 were seriously injured. Fraser Anning, a senator in Queensland, has issued a statement describing the terror attacks as “vigilantism” and claiming that Muslim immigration was to blame for the atrocity. Since making the statement he has sparked outrage worldwide, many signing a petition for his senator position to be revoked.
Senator Fraser Anning has denied sympathizing with accused shooter Brenton Tarrant, when he attacked muslims worshipping on the day of the Christchurch massacre. When being interviewed by the media, Senator Anning affirmed “I totally condemn the actions of that gunman,”. After the attacks took place in New Zealand the Senator took to Twitter to say “When you bring lots and lots of Muslims into a country, violence escalates,”. His words have drawn condemnation from New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as well as most Australian politicians.
Despite one million signatures already calling for Senator Anning to be expelled from Parliament, neither house has the power to do it. Someone who took a more direct approach to Senator Anning’s questionable comments around the Christchurch tragedy is 17-year-old Will Connelly who has become an overnight sensation after he was filmed smashing an egg on Senator Anning’s head at a press conference.
Cabinet’s national security committee met this afternoon to discuss toughening social media rules, to try and stem online hate and end live streaming of violent attacks after Friday’s shooting was broadcast in real time on social media. Community safety grants will also receive a $55 million boost to protect schools and places of worship from future attacks. The committee will also look at what can be done to monitor the threat of right-wing terrorism.