
Australian Migration

Interested in Australian Migration? There are many different routes and different types of visas available for Australia depending on your circumstances. How long would you like to go for, the reason of your travel, age, nationality, experience, qualifications and ties to Australia, such as family living in there.

Depending on these details you may be able to meet requirements of one or more of the Australian visas currently available.

The below three Skilled Visa options are for individuals and families looking to travel to Australia for a few years or permanently

Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189)

The Australia skilled independent visa (subclass 189) is a permanent visa, aimed to attract skilled applicants with relevant skilled work experience and or qualifications in one of the occupations in demand in Australia.

Read more or fill the skilled assessment form.

Skilled nominated visa (subclass 190)

The Australia skilled nominated visa (subclass 190) requires applicants to have work experience and or qualifications in an occupation which is in demand in one of the states in Australia.

Read more or speak to our Australian expert to discuss if you would be accepted.

Skilled regional (provisional) visa (489)

Australian skilled regional (provisional) visa (489) Is the same as above but is a four year visa to live in one of the specific regions of Australia, you can apply for permanent residency after two years and working for one year within the region.

Read more or find out if you would we eligible for the 489 visa: Fill the assessment form.

Working Holiday Visa

An Australian working holiday visa is for individuals looking to travel and holiday in Australia for up to two years. You need to be aged between 18-30 years and be a national from a country which is accepted for this visa. You cannot take a child dependent on this visa. Read more about the working holiday visa.

457 Employer sponsored work permit

If you have secured a job in Australia and the employer is willing to sponsor you for the visa then you could qualify for the 457 visa. Read more

Australia Partner Visa

If you are in a relationship with a Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident, either married or unmarried, you could potentially apply under this visa route. Read more

Student visa Route

If you are looking to study a full time course in Australia or want to live in Australia and are not eligible for any other category then you could potentially travel to Australia on a Study visa. Depending on what you study you may be able to get a post study work visa and possible apply for permanent residency at some stage if you qualify afterwards. Read more

Parent Visa Category

If you have a child living in Australia, you may be able to enter Australia in one of the Parent migration routes. Read more about the parent visa category.

About Alliance Visas

Welcome to Alliance Visas. We are a registered migration and visa services firm. We are not the official body or affiliated with the government.

At Alliance Visas we do not share your details with any third party. We provide a no obligation assessment without any cost to all applicants, please fill our assessment to find out your eligibility for a visa.

Eligibility Assessment

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