
Australian Spouse Visa

Welcome to Alliance visas, we are a UK based registered migration and visa services firm. We are not the official body or affiliated with the government. At Alliance visas we do not share your details with any third party.

We provide a no obligation visa assessment to all applicants. Please fill our assessment form to find out your eligibility for a visa.

If you are in a relationship with a Australian citizen, you could get sponsored by your spouse or partner to live, work and settle in Australia.

You may be in a married relationship,unmarried relationship or in a same sex relationship with an Australian citizen. This visa is granted for an initial period of two years after which applicants may apply and live permanently in Australia.

Find out, if you qualify for a spouse, partner and other family visa route. Fill the assessment form now to find out.

Australian Partner visa

The Australian partner visa allows applicants who are either married to or are in an unmarried including same sex relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen to enter and/or remain in Australia.

The visa is initially granted for a period of two years after which the applicant must show the relationship is genuine and ongoing to qualify for permanent residence. This visa can be applied in Australia or from overseas. Minimum health and character requirements must be met for this visa.

Prospective marriage visa

This visa is designed for people from overseas to enter Australia, before marrying their Australian fiancé. Their fiancé must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

Applicants may apply for permanent visa after they are married to their partner and remain permanently in Australia.

Australian Contributory Parent visa

The Australian contributory parent visa is designed for applicants and their spouse or partner who can meet the balance of family test, for example have an equal or greater number of children living in Australia than in their home country and can meet the relationship and sponsorship requirements.

Australian Contributory Parent visa assessment Other Australian visas.

Skilled independent 189 visa

The Australian Skilled Independent visa is available to applicants who can pass the minimum points requirement set for the visa, applicants need to nominate an occupation within the current shortage occupations list, meet health and character requirements. Points are awarded for age, qualification, work experience, language proficiency.

Applicants need to be under the age of 50 years. Some occupations do not require formal qualifications.

Skilled state/territory nominated 190 visa

The Australian skilled nominated visa is a points-based visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory. This visa requires sponsorship by a state or territory in Australia. If your skills are in demand, you may be sponsored for this visa.

This is a permanent residency visa for Australia. Points are awarded for age, language proficiency, qualifications, work experience and sponsorship. The sponsored visa may benefit from a quicker processing time.

Skilled state/territory nominated or sponsored 489 visa

The Australian skilled state/territory nominated visa requires sponsorship by a state or territory in Australia. If your skills are in demand you may be sponsored for this visa. To qualify for this visa you must nominate an occupation and meet the points test.

Points are awarded for age, language proficiency, qualifications, work experience and sponsorship. The sponsored visa may benefit from a quicker processing time.

Skilled family sponsored visa

If you have close family in Australia you may qualify for the family sponsored visa, however you still need to meet other requirements like have an occupation which is in demand in Australia, fulfill the points requirements set for this visa and health and character requirements.

This is a permanent residency visa for Australia allowing the holder to remain in Australia indefinitely.

Regional sponsored 187 migration scheme

Under the regional sponsored visa, applicants can be sponsored by participating regional state/territories or close family living in a designated area in Australia.

Under this regional visa, applicants benefit from bonus points for regional sponsorship. Applicants also get points for age, work experience, qualifications and language proficiency.

This is a permanent residency visa for Australia allowing the holder to remain in Australia indefinitely.

457 Employer sponsored work permit

The 457 or employer sponsored visas are designed for Australian companies to sponsor and recruit skilled migrants from overseas for their businesses. This is a temporary visa and allows employees to work up to 4 years.

Applicants may be able to switch to a permanent visa in Australia. If you have a potential employer, you may be eligible for the 457 visa.

This is a permanent residency visa for Australia allowing the holder to remain in Australia indefinitely.

Employer nominated scheme 186

This visa is for skilled individuals outside Australia or skilled temporary residents inside Australia. There are three different streams under this visa.

To qualify for this visa you need to be nominated by an approved employer and be younger than 50 years of age, meed the skills and qualification requirements and meet English language requirements.

This is a permanent residency visa for Australia allowing the holder to remain in Australia indefinitely.

Australian Working Holiday Visa

The Working holiday maker visa is for young people looking to travel and take up casual work in Australia for a year or two.

You need to be a citizen of a participating country, be within the eligible age of 18-30, not been to Australia on a working holiday before and meet health and criteria requirements of Australia.

Business visas

This visa is available to applicants wanting to travel for business or set up, own, manage a business or invest in Australia.

There are may different options available under the business visa depending on applicants current or previous business experience, turnover and assets.

Fill the Assessment form and find out more.

About Alliance Visas

Welcome to Alliance Visas. We are a registered migration and visa services firm. We are not the official body or affiliated with the government.

At Alliance Visas we do not share your details with any third party. We provide a no obligation assessment without any cost to all applicants, please fill our assessment to find out your eligibility for a visa.

Eligibility Assessment

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